Whether you're cooking for date night or game night, a recipe that is easy to prepare but leaves an impression is the way to go. This dish-which in Italy is known as spaghetti all'ubriaco or "drunken"...
We love this diminutive grain for its gentle nutty flavor, speedy preparation time, and exceptional nutritional profile. Whether you choose white, red, black, or a rainbow blend, our basic recipe turns...
The earthy flavor of mushrooms is offset by a luscious Gorgonzola cheese sauce. It is important not to substitute another type of blue cheese in this dish; the creamy quality of genuine Gorgonzola is necessary...
Another of my mother's recipes from Feast, A Tribal Cookbook, this dish can be made for lots of people, and with lots of people helping mix the filling and stuff the shells. It's what my mom makes for...
This recipe's quickness depends on getting all the sauce ingredients and cooking equipment ready before you start cooking. Then, when the water's boiling, start the pasta, and saute the sauce at the same...
Madhur Jaffrey shares the easiest way to cook basmati rice, also known as saaday basmati chawal. Salt is generally not added, as it is meant to be eaten with well-seasoned food, such as Jaffrey's Chicken...
This hearty dish served family style, offers a grown-up twist on macaroni and cheese. We like the flavor and melting qualities of fontina or Taleggio cheese, but you can substitute cheddar, Gruyere, or...
These individual mac-and-cheese casseroles call for pungent Parmesan and extra-sharp cheddar, which means the noodles get away with less-than-usual amounts of cheese. Low-fat milk, chicken stock, and olive...
This is one of the quickest, most efficient suppers on the planet. Creamy goat cheese makes its own sauce, but it needs the fresh brightness of lemon to really pop.
A bit of butter, parmesan cheese, and fresh basil transforms roasted vegetables into a flavorful sauce for pasta. You could easily modify this recipe to use any vegetables that are in season.
While the Saudi Arabian rice dish known as saleeg may resemble Italian risotto, it's set apart by the addition of milk, which gives it a rich, creamy texture. Martha's interpretation pairs orzo with dried...
Our Barbecued Salmon Fillets are served on top of this brown-rice pilaf, which is flavored with white wine and vegetables and spiced with paprika, turmeric, and cumin.
This medley owes its substantial texture to sturdy little grains of pearl barley, wheat berries, and millet, as well as to a hearty helping of wild rice. Fragrant garlic, onion, and assorted mushrooms...